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Macular Degeneration

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Macular Degeneration

Nothing stirs fear in a patient more than a diagnosis of macular degeneration. Known as Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), this condition is becoming all too common and we see it many times each day. It is important to understand that macular degeneration in any form is not good, whether it’s the “dry” or “wet” form. AMD requires frequent follow up and diligent monitoring. Many patients with macular degeneration lead normal lives, although they are in our office for frequent follow up visits. We follow many thousands of macular degeneration patients and many retain normal vision and function if they manage their risk factors correctly. In the event a patient needs to see a retinal specialist, we can get them to one much quicker than if they were to call themselves. If you have a family history of AMD please make an appointment to see us TODAY. Risk factors include age (over 55), gender (female), race (Caucasian), eye color (blue eyes), family history, obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, smoking, ultraviolet light exposure (wear quality sun glasses), and a poor diet.

Macular Degeneration